Forest Therapy

Also called Shinrin Yoku or Forest Bathing, this gently-structured practice fuses spending slow time in woodland areas, nature exploration, and elements of mindfulness to promote presence, calm, well-being and innate natural healing.

What Basically, Does It Look Like?

A guided forest therapy walk consists of several open-ended exercises (known as “invitations” to emphasize that you may interpret and carry them out as you wish) to help open your senses, and to engage with the forest in meaningful ways which promote mindfulness. Forest therapy experiences are not hikes; they are immersive, move slowly, encourage personal presence and exploration. They begin with an orientation, then make a gradual transition to exploring several “invitations” to interact with the forest environment using different senses and modes, typically including opportunity for reflection and integration. A forest therapy walk usually concludes with an outdoor tea. More detail can be found in experience descriptions.

Where Does It Take Place?

Forest therapy walks take place outdoors, and are possible in all seasons and most types of weather (depending on participants’ preferences). Walks begin and end at the Forest Labyrinth, and move through several different areas of trees. In case of cool or wet weather, a large yurt is right beside the labyrinth for the opening orientation and ending gathering.

Why Can It Be Beneficial?

Based on established precepts of Shinrin-Yoku (literally: “forest bathing”), with long history and high respect in Japan, forest therapy has gained mainstream popularity in the West as people acknowledge the physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of being in nature. And science is increasingly quantifying those benefits in tangible outcomes which include: reduction in cortisol (stress hormone) levels, increase in immune function, reduced mood disorder severity, a deeper sense of mental relaxation, and increased feelings of calmness, gratitude, selflessness and wonder.

Who Delivers This Service?

Neil Baldwin, your guide, has an appreciation of the natural world gained from direct personal experience and completing the Ontario Master Naturalist program. He combines this with a M.Ed. in Counselling and almost 3 decades of professional experience to create a unique perspective on the role of nature in human development. Read full bio.

How Can I Access This Service?

A Forest Therapy Walk, at the Introductory or Extension level, is one of over a dozen experiences you may select from for your Personal Day Retreat. It is also available as an add-on for airbnb guests staying on-site, or may be booked for small groups as a standalone service.